Ordering / F.A.Q.'s

In the past, we have received a number of questions from our customers. Hopefully, this Ordering / FAQ page can be of some assistance.

Please click on the links below to view  the FAQ answers. If you can't find the answer to your questions on this page, please feel free to connect with us.
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How does the ordering process work?
Ordering a video package online could turn out to be a major pain in the neck if you let it.

Here at C2C Media US, we make sure that this does not happen.

The first step to ordering a video package from C2C Media US begins with you clicking the link to our "booking" page.
Once there, you will proceed to book a 1 to 1 phone consultation with a C2C Media US representative.

During the initial phone call with you, our representative will take down all of the needed information pertaining to your video package order.
And answer any questions you may have.

Following that, our representative will go over the details of what we will need from you to complete your video package order.
(No need for pen and paper. Our representative will email you a detailed list of requirements.)

Note: The time it takes to complete your order, is all dependent upon how long it takes you to supply us with the materials requested!

Once you have collected all of the required materials needed to complete your video package (digital photos, and text file),
you will return to our "booking" page to book a "Follow-Up Phone Appointment". To finalize your order submission with one of our
C2C Media US representatives.

How long will it take, before my video package is shipped out to me?
On average, it takes ten business days (2 weeks) for a video package to be shipped out. It could take up to three weeks.

This all depends on how long it takes "YOU" (the customer), to give C2C Media US the required materials that were requested during your phone consultation.

Any hidden fees outside of the $250.00, for the video package?
No. The video packages offered on this site are all priced at $250.00 each (shipping included).

Is it possible to order a video package with a different theme, music, or longer in length?
No. Not on this site. All video packages on this site were designed to have very little complexity in their final output.
They were designed to be short (no more than 3 minutes), and to the point.

If you're looking for a more custom video package design, please visit Coast 2 Coast Media Production's "iWEB Parent" website.
This is where we offer a much broader range of video possibilities.

Will I be able to view my processed video before accepting it?
Absolutely! Prior to mailing out your video package, we will email you a Proof Video for your review. The Proof Video will be protected by a watermark seal. The seal will be removed after your approval. "Video packages are mailed out, ONLY after the customer's approval of the Proof Video!"

We are 100% committed to your satisfaction. And we will rework your video until the necessary changes are properly made, within reason, to meet your instructions or guidelines. Please keep in mind that not all requirements or changes may be implemented to all videos.

In some instances it may be necessary for C2C Media US to replace or give a refund for a processed video. That will depend on many factors including the nature of your request.

Note: Any changes will be based on the original video package order.

Is black the only color you have available for your 8.5" X 11" Photo Book cover?

How many pages are there in the 8.5" X 11" Photo Book?
It all depends in on how many images are in your video. All images (supplied by you) used in your video, will also be used in your photo book.

Will I be able to add captions to my Video, and Photo Book?
Depending on which video template you choose, will be the deciding factor on whether or not you will be able to add captions.

You will have the opportunity to add captions to your Photo Book.

Both the Video, and Photo Book, will have limited space for entries. All will be explained inside your "Video Package Requirements" email.